Rabbit Rabbit

Thank you darling Ahram for always providing my first of the month photographs.
Thank you for loving me and my Son so well.
You are so precious to us all
and Rabbit Rabbit to us all
Rabbit card above scanned from a card I received.
Autumn Abundance by me Jeanne
Coolness, crispness and colours galore
Autumn soon once again you will arrive at our door
The Hues, new shoes, school schedules appear once again
Before me all accents of the most autumn kind
Yes we are leaving our summer behind
Crickets casanova, birds spell out a V in flight
Chinese lanterns in our gardens, wind chimes more echoes abound
Birds soon fly south, and oh the taste in my mouth
of our glorious Thanksgiving feasts, a bountiful harvest
Pumpkins, ghourds and Halloween soon
and our Canadian Thanksgiving with pumpkin pie and the ice cream spoon
I'll embrace you autumn and again in silent prayer will say.........
Thank you God for our beatuiful seasons.......
Thank you God for our reasons to embrace love and joy
and one another.
Let us all live applely ever after~♥
Happiness is not something you postpone for the future; it is something you design for the present."
-Jim Rohn
Thank you Flickr Toys
And Flickr for making magic with the calendar
Happy September First
May you always have a kiss to build a dream on
My Son and our lovely Ahram kissing their New Zealand Days
with Love♥
Happy 1st of September. Delight in the Day.
To me September is the beginning of Autumn, never mind what the calendar or the weather outside says!
Love and Hugs))
Rabbit Rabbit
Today feels like a new beginning to me dear Jeanne!♥
Love and hugs to all who visit and thank you for your kind words♥
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