Jeanne's Bliss Blog

Thursday, May 05, 2011

The Miracle of Love

This was sent to me by Heartwarmers via email

by Joseph Walker

It was a miracle, I tell you. An absolute miracle.
We were in the midst of an 11-hour car trip, and Alexander was done. He
was only a few weeks old at the time, and he had pretty much been held and
cuddled his whole life long. This being strapped into a car seat for hours
at a time was for the birds, as far as he was concerned, and he let us know
in no uncertain terms that he was NOT happy. At first his cries were kind
of sweet and plaintive, and everybody in the car smiled knowingly,
confident that he would soon calm down and go back to sleep.
"He’s just been fed and burped, his diaper is clean and dry, he should
be fine," said his mother, Andrea. Alexander is Andrea’s first child, and
this was their first long trip together, so they were both very much in a
mode of trying to figure each other out. But already she had a sense of
her son, and she was confident that all would be well.
But it wasn’t.
Thirty minutes later Alexander was still crying, and the rest of us were
wondering what was going on. "Do you want me to pull over?" I asked,
aware that Andrea would not take him out of his car seat to cuddle and
comfort him as long as the car was moving.
"No," she said. "Let me try something first." She leaned up as close
to Alexander’s face as she could get, and began to sing to him:
You are my sunshine, My only sunshine.
You make me happy When skies are gray.
You’ll never know, dear, How much I love you.
Please don’t take my sunshine away.
Now, I need to tell you that I have heard Andrea sing hundreds of times.
We sing a lot in our family -- it’s just something that we do (I’d tell
you about our version of "Happy Birthday to You" were it not... well...
indescribable). But Andrea has taken her singing to another level. She
has studied voice. She has worked hard on her singing in great choirs and
as a high school, college and professional actress. She has sung countless
solos in front of huge audiences.
In other words, Andrea sings.
But I’ve never heard her sing quite like how she sang to her baby that
night. It was a new and difference voice for Andrea. It was... I don’t
know... tender. Soft. Sweet. Gentle. Which is not to say I’ve never
heard Andrea sing tenderly, softly, sweetly and gently before, because I
But never quite like this, and never to an audience of one. There was a
quality about her singing that had nothing at all to do with her talent and
experience -- something that touched me as I drove, even though it clearly
wasn’t intended for me. I’ll just call it what it felt like. Love.
Alexander began to calm almost immediately. By the time Andrea had sung
through the song three times, he was sleeping. Comfortably. Peacefully.
Alexander wasn’t comforted by the beauty of his mother’s voice, or by
her musical skill and training. He was comforted because it WAS his
mother’s voice. He knew it. He loved it. And he knew the owner of that
voice loved him.
That’s what I heard coming from the back of the car that night. And
that’s what we celebrate every Mother’s Day.
It’s the miracle of motherhood.
The miracle of love.

-- Joseph Walker


At 12:03 PM, Blogger tea time and roses said...

Beautiful Jeanne, just beautiful! Love all you share.:o)



At 1:40 PM, Blogger Jeanne said...

Love you

At 6:40 PM, Blogger Draffin Bears said...

Hi Jeanne,

What a beautiful story you have shared with us today, thanks.
Happy weekend and Mothers day.


At 1:21 AM, Blogger Jeanne said...



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